Thursday, October 1, 2009

Remember way way back during W's term...all the caterwauling about deficit spending. In particular the Iraq War focused the ire of the deficit hawk liberals/ progressives. From shock and awe in 2003 until Obama's inauguration in January, W spent nearly $630 billion on Iraq. Further, Bush's eight years added $4 trillion to the national debt.

To review, the deficit is yearly spending beyond yearly income; debt is accumulated deficits from year to year.

On the other hand, in nine short months Obama has rack up a deficit of merely $1.4 trillion. Stand fast disciples, according to the White House future years' deficit spending will be less significant: 2010-$1.4 trillion, 2111-$1 trillion, 2112-$700 billion. That idiot Bush was only able to add $2 trillion in debt by the end of his first term...Obama will add nearly $2 trillion in his first year! caterwauling from the deficit hawk left/progressives. Who knew hawks drank Kool-Aid.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance to...